Thursday, March 10, 2016

It is Contagious {SLLC Blog}

Bunch of goofballs
Let's break it down. The State Legislator Leadership Conference (SLLC) is another for students to get pumped about being the next generation to impact our country and industry, agriculture teachers to get work done, share ideas, and build relationships, and for students and teachers to enjoy three delicious meals with unlimited coffee. The energy and passion that students and teachers bring to the SLLC conference is the same felt energy at every other FFA event that is held at the local, state, and national levels.

SLLC was another first for me, and it did not disappoint. I was assigned by my cooperating teachers to plan this conference. Here are some of the take-ways from planning a trip and specifically SLLC.

- Your students are a valuable resource. In deciding on an after conference activity on Tuesday, I was researching and brainstorming for awhile until I simply asked the 8 girls we took what they wanted to do. They gave me ideas and then we decided on what to do together.

Representing the Blue and Gold well!
- Be prepared for anything. We had two of our girls get sick at the conference. One was sent home and the other was able to push through. I did not have any medicine or first aid kit with me to help. I learned to call the parent first for permission, and then give the students the medicine.

- Be a team player. We are preached the importance of being apart of professional organizations and the PA Ag Ed family. Being apart of this family means you have a role. During SLLC that role was to grade proficiencies. As a new teacher this was helpful in learning how they should be filled out and what is being looked for in the grading process. Also as a young teacher I hope I reread this post and remember, no matter how old I get, I will participate in everything that is offered. Many hands make little work.

Happy grams from my students
- Even when you are having fun and have a good group of students, you always need to be a few steps ahead. What time do they need to meet next? What do they need to wear? What do they need to bring?

- Getting a table for meals is similar to the Hunger Games... may the odds be in your favor.

- Conferences are not a time that you will catch up on sleep Be prepared to lose it. This is important to note because the SLLC conference ends on a Tuesday and there are still 3 days in the week to teach.

- Students struggle with packing... teach them how to pack.

Until next year SLLC!

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