Sunday, August 30, 2015

Katie's Bubbles - Teacher Learner Connection

The weekly writing's readings this week had a consistent theme of the connection between teachers and students to achieve successful learning. Tactics, ideas, and theories were shared in a variety of situations to provide understanding to best practices and strategies to achieve success in an agricultural program.

Below I am going to share out a few of my thought bubbles that formed during the readings.

1. "Intimidation is not just how you earn respect and control... so its not just being tough?"
               - Through my athletic experiences intimidation stemmed from respect of another team's or individual player's ability to perform. Instilling confidence within students, of your ability as an agriculture educator ,will gain respect and trust which I predict will help with class management.

2. "I am going to be making a lot of friends... good thing I like to talk"
                 - In the Methods of Teaching Agriculture, Part 1 there are approximately 15 pages on with whom, you as the agricultural teacher, should engage with. Students, parents, administrators, other teachers, industry personnel, Advisory Council, Alumni of the program, and the list goes on. It sounds overwhelming and sometimes not possible with only 24 hours in a day, but knowing that I teach students and each of these people listed are vital to their individual success and my programs' success, forming relationships is a key goal to set within my first year teaching.

3. "Learning really is a lifelong process"
               -  After reading the four stages of teaching it is enticing to want to obtain impact NOW!  Remembering that through continual learning I can climb my way up the leader to achieve this.

4. "There is no way the first year of teaching can be a happy experience... has this person actually taught before?"
              - You know what, why reinvent the wheel? This was my thought after the reading the "key to teaching success is beg, borrow, and steal". There are an infinite number of resources available that will save time which can be spent doing something else... maybe forming relationships? Happiness is a choice and starting this semester I am going to utilize the resources at my disposal.

5. "How do you do it all?!"
             - Reading the effective teacher qualities was important to understand the student's perspective of what they want and need from me to be successful learners. I feel confident to check off some of my innate characteristics such as humor, enthusiasm, variability, and task-oriented/business behavior, but what is exciting is that I now have goals for each lab. I want to focus on effective questioning, structuring comments, avoiding criticism, and clarity.

All of these readings reminded me that agriculture educators have a lot on their plates. To be effective agriculture educator I need to remember who we are teaching and why we are teaching them. Wong says, "The effective teacher affects lives" and is that not what we are striving for, impact of students lives? To this point my mindset has largely revolved around "what content am I presenting" and "how am I presenting it?" Looking forward I want to think "how am I being an effective teacher?" "What am I intentionally doing and saying to benefit my learners?"

Checking out through high recommendations, here is an article titled "5 Highly Effective Teaching Strategies" that drives home what our weekly readings discussed but also includes "metacognition strategies" as an effective teaching strategy which was a new concept supports ownership in student learning.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Reflective Teaching Lesson (RTL)

      The purpose of today's lab was to give our professor's a baseline of where our ability to teach currently is. We each randomly chose a topic and had to teach and assess the students (our classmates) in a 15 minute timeframe. My goal was to have the class learn 11 parts of a Flint Arrowhead and be able to match them on an assessment. 

Flint Arrowhead
      My initial thought after executing my lesson was "Did I breath? The answer is no. I have a tendency to be high energy and take things at a face pace. Well as soon as I finished teaching I knew I did not filter any of my energy constructively, but went 100 mph through the entire lesson. This was confirmed after reading student assessments and watching my video recording. Unfortunately with the fast pace and high energy combination, my directions were presented unclearly, I was reactive instead of intentional in what I said, and the students did not learn the content as effectively as they could have. 

      What I and the students thought I did well was engage the audience. The high energy presented downfalls but being the last lesson of the day, I woke the students up and made them more reactive to me. I also felt prepared with my materials and content. I knew what I needed to do and I had the materials to do it, but the time constraint did not allow me to utilize my preparedness, and vice versa, I did not utilize the 15 minutes to the best of my ability. 

      In deciding on the presentation method of the lesson, after watching the video I saw my game would have been better suited as a review game. The students had no prior knowledge and I was enforcing quick guessing with no opportunity to think. The mind reactivity I needed would be best utilized once the information is learned and retained. 

      If I were to do this again, I would go simpler and slower with the timeframe allotted. In learning new content, repetition is key and I failed to include that in my teaching approach. In deciding on HOW to teach, I need to decided on the best suited teaching method to achieve my objective, instead of always choosing to answer and fulfill the question, "What will the students enjoy most?". 

      So below are [my goals] for the next lesson I teach:
1. Filter and control my energy throughout the lesson
2. Conduct a practice run prior to teaching
3. Before deciding on a teaching method for the lesson, look up examples on external websites
4. Slow my pace of speech down

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Cooperating Center Video

Big Spring Bull Dogs

During the spring of 2016 I will have the opportunity to student teach alongside Ms. Sherisa Nailor and Ms. Sarabeth Fulton at Big Spring High School located in Newville, PA. To learn more about the high school and the FFA program watch the video below:

Friday, August 14, 2015

That's a Wrap!

And just like that 91 days flew by.

Let me sum up my summer as the New Holland Network Development (ND) intern:

Project #1: Updating a previously written manual to articulate the ND departments current strategies, tactics, systems, operations, and functions.

Title:  "Understanding the Strategy & Role of Dealer Network Development"
Total Work Time: 91 days
Pages: 68
Words: 9, 264
Sections: 6
Scheduled Editing Sessions: 10
Project #2: Update the policies in Dealer Policy Manual to validate the Dealer Agreement.
   Total Policies to Update: 9
Total Work Time: 3 hours per week
Collaboration: 12+ people

Status: 90% complete; waiting on external party validation
Added Value Experiences:
- Baltimore Port Trip
          Purpose: to learn about the process and management of importing and exporting equipment
Cranes seen during the water tour of the Baltimore Harbor
 - Photoshoot
          Purpose: to be hands on with the Marketing and Brand Communications departments in creation of effective promotion & advertisement
- Traveling with Northeastern Market Representation Manager (MRM)
          Purpose: to learn how the ND strategies and plans are carried out in the field in addition to career shadowing a field employee
New Holland Internship Program Activities:
- Family Farm Days
           An annual 3-day community event to promote agriculture which New Holland sponsors. As an intern I was a tour guide, tractor driver, ice cream scooper, and loaded and unloaded wagons.
Loading wagons at Oregon Dairy's Family Farm Days
 - Hershey Park
           The sweetest place on earth for chocolate and amusement park rides.
The Sweetest Place on Earth
 - Building 39 Softball Team (CHAMPIONS)
            Wednesday evening company softball, where I hit my first home run and the team brought home the trophy.
Team #3
- Ride and Drive
             Test drove pieces of equipment from Case and New Holland Brands.
New Holland Windrower
So the question remains... Would I come back?!
The answer is YES, and for 4 reasons:
1. The people
2. Company culture & environment
3. Opportunity to travel
4. Positional & departmental movement
Coming into New Holland as an Ag. Ed. major, my goal was to discover if I could and would want to make it in a corporate world. Prior to the internship I did not think I had what it took, mostly due to my lack of accounting and financial background. I thought everyone needed to be a numbers wiz to survive and excel in a corporation. Man, I was wrong. It takes people from all different academic backgrounds to make a corporation purr.
Working through my main project, the manual, I realized that my skill sets and personality was the right fit for the ND departments internship project. I was able to take previously developed skills and utilize as well as enhance them. For example, written communication. I was challenged to write technically and not creativity. In addition, I learned functions of Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, and Word that I did not know existed. Having "experts" all around me that utilize these programs and their functions everyday was a blessing when trying to be efficient in formatting a document. Lastly, developing, implementing, and executing the process of the manual was a skill that I learned. Having the support of my managers along the way, I not only created the manual but developed a multi-step, two-phase process to implement and execute.
To wrap it all together, my managers guided this Ag. Ed. major through a comprehensive project of taking someone of zero knowledge to being able to articulate processes, systems, operations, and functions of an entire department in 91 days. I am excited to have completed the manual but more appreciative of the willingness and time each person invested into me to make sure I was fully equipped to accomplish my project. The project allowed me to interact with various personnel throughout New Holland as well as get to know my department extremely well. New Holland equipped me with confidence to pursue the corporate world as well as with skills that I can utilize my last year of college and into a career.