Honestly, the idea of IBI was intimidating to me, and continued to be until I was done teaching me lesson. Why?
1. I know science and math are not my strongest content areas
2. Plant science is the only class I could incorporate inquiry into
3. A lot of shared inquiry lessons involve materials that were not obtainable or that were multi days
4. Keeping the student's learning within a class time frame without limiting them
5. How do I contain the frustration of students?

My feeling before: This will be a flop!
My feeling after: This was so fun to teach!
I left the lab with a high and excitement for IBI because I felt successful teaching the lab. The amount of time I put into the preparation for this lab and learning of the content paid off. My approach to IBI was to have more student direction and less teacher. I did not want all student directed because the audience I will teach in the spring are 9th and 10th graders. On the rubric used to judge teacher verses student direction, I fell in the middle of the road (B and C), which was where my goal was set for. My students for the day felt challenged to think and infer, enjoyed group work, my enthusiasm, and the fill in the blank objectives.
Let me explain fill in the blank objectives. As the students were working on their bellwork, I was writing the objectives for the day on the board and realized that the two processes I wanted the students to define were in my objectives. On the spot I drew lines where the words should be in the objectives and made it apart of the next set of directions to fill in the blanks with the words they figured out after they read and discussed. This ended up being an effective hook and one that I am adding to my toolbox.
Even coming out with a good feeling from lab I know there were areas that where I need improvement. There are a few reoccurring areas I need to focus on when teaching, stating objectives, teaching for too long, and on the spot feedback. I did state the objectives for the day but did not express the importance of them, the WHY are we learning this. With on the spot feedback, I need to take the time to reinforce and provide effective feedback as students answer.
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